Welcome to Teacher Corner where you'll find tons of ideas, resources, and products that will transform your classroom! I hand pick items I know will save you time and add that extra something to your teaching game. You'll see products and a quick idea for each with a link to grab it. Want to go straight to all the links? Click HERE!

A cordless hot glue gun comes in handy for attaching classroom decor, anchor charts, and more. You can quickly and easily move around your room without the cord!
Use magnetic dry erase labels to organize your whiteboard, create a sentence building activity, label figurative language examples, grammar parts - lots of ways to use these.
Use magnetic timers for classroom games and group competitions, as an independent activity timer, and with individual students who need an on-task reminder to name a few.
A splurge for me is the 3-tier rolling cart. I've used it in several ways including as my materials station for small groups, a reward cart, and literature circles books holder.

Use dry erase pockets for practice worksheets in stations, portable white boards, annotating text, group work, punctuation practice.
Try a Wireless doorbell for getting class attention, signaling transition between activities, as a 5-minute end-of-class warning.
Grading stamps cut down on written comments when you need a quick response, and your students still love a stamp on their assignment even in middle school.
Use LED Push lights mounted on a classroom wall or white board to indicate voice level, classroom work schedule, small group time, and other classroom management. *Affiliate links earn a small commission.

My clipboard folio is perfect for grading around the room, reading or progress checks, and meetings. The extra folder pockets make it easy to keep important papers, too!
I LOVE colorful stickers, and so do your students. Use stickers for prizes or in a reward chest or points system. These come in 300 pieces, so you'll never run out.
A power strip is simply a must-have in a classroom that doesn't have enough outlets. This 6ft strip comes with outlets and USB ports!
Use clear book stands in your classroom to feature new novels, post small anchor charts, spotlight a student of the month, or display station signs.
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