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Marvelous March Lesson Ideas for Middle School

Writer: Melissa CastilloMelissa Castillo

March is all about the end of winter and beginning of spring mixed together with St. Patrick's day, Spring fever, and longer hours of sunlight. There always seems to be more silliness and fidgeting in the classroom, so I created seasonal activities that help keep my students engaged, learning, and having fun! Here are some of my favorites for March.

March ELA Ideas

St. Patrick's Day ELA Lesson

I'm giving you the green light to make the most of March with a free reading and writing lesson plan using informational text from a kids' news website called DOGO News. The site features fun articles for kids on current events including everything they wanted to know about St. Patrick's Day!

Here's a 45-minute lesson plan I'm sharing with you that incorporates idioms, reading, and summary writing. It's easy to follow and includes directions and suggestions for implementing it in your classroom.

Lucky Limericks

Students love being silly, so when I introduced Limericks for the first time, they were all in. It's also a great time to review or teach rhyme scheme because you know Limericks and rhyming just go together. Start with a mini-lesson on the poem format and then follow up with a writing activity that will bring laughter and smiles to your classroom.

ELA Limericks

Grab this free Limerick resource to use with your students.

There was a fine student from Boulder,

Whose backpack was slung from his shoulder.

He had paper and stencils,

And colorful pencils,

But his teacher said, "You need a folder!"

March ELA Activities

What do you do with students who always finish everything earlier than the rest of the class? Maybe you need resources for a substitute or something for your class to complete while you work with small groups. I used these no-prep tasks that include parts of speech, reading, and writing. They also work well as station activities, and I’ve even combined all of the resources into a packet for students to complete throughout the month.

Common Bond Game

Vocabulary was always a big ticket item on my list of skills students needed to work on everyday. When I wanted to challenge them and incorporate higher-level thinking, I played Common Bond. It's a game of word association that helped develop vocabulary in a way my class could relate. The object of the game is for students to find a common bond from four words they are given. Watch the video to learn more about how to play the game in your classroom.

It's never too early to introduce poetry in your classroom. Poetry always seems to get a bad rap from students at first. Somewhere in their academic career, they've learned that writing poems is hard and boring. That's why I love this free poetry generator from Creative Communication. Try it out with your students! It's perfect for early finishers or as a fun station, too. Check out Poetry Machine.

With a little luck, these activities will make March a month to remember in your classroom.

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